Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pictures, What do you think?

Jane, Mary Ruth Sparks' granddaughter tells me, "She (her Mom) did start remembering stuff...Mary Ruth's dad was supposedly a surgeon but by the time my mom came along he was either deceased or divorced. My mom remembers staying for a time with Mary Ruth's mother in or very near Marshall and thinks her name was Julia." I'm beginning to think this is my Mary Ruth as well. This memory came from about 70 years ago. Julia, her sister, lived with her mother, Emma, in Shreveport, not that far from Marshall. Julia's husband is not there, one of those men I can't find, and Julia is a nurse. Mary Ruth's dad actually died before 1920 and was a carpenter. I think she is remembering Mary's sister more than Mary's mother.

Then Jane sends me the first picture. On the back it says, "Deryl and Mary Sparks, January 1929. Not a very good picture to see facial features I suppose, but I'm not sure she looks like my Mary. Then again, the second picture is about 20 years after the first one. There are a lot of people I wouldn't recognize 20 years later.

Then she sends me one of her mother as a teenager. I do think that could be Mary's daughter.

What do you think?????


Anonymous said...

Super cute!

Mrs. Walker said...

It's hard to tell in the pictures if it's the same person. I like the look of old pictures, though. And... love your background.
