Monday, November 3, 2008

Thing #14

Our Ancestors

I chose Wordle for another time for play. I found an idea in the Nov./Dec edition of Ancestry magazine that says to put many family names and states of birth in a list. The size of each word grows bigger the more time it's used. This is my family and my husband's family. That article said to put a ~ between 2 words that you want to stay together like Mary~Ann. I also discovered that I could manually change the colors and fonts without having to randomize every time.

I think both the Writeboard and Ta-Da lists for planning ahead for whatever you need done whether at home or school. I'm going to use the ta-da lists for those things I think of first thing in the morning that need to be done, but can't remember later when I have time. I plan to check back with Mnemograph later for making timelines. These are very important when studying your family history.

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