Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thing #23

About the MISD23 Things Ning Network, I left a comment for 2 or 3 members, uploaded 9 photos, added the Ning badge to my blog, and added the badge that should have my pictures, but it says I don't have any, although I can see them there, and added the other badge instead.

I explored several things in Classroom 2.0 including some music ones. I didn't see any that pertain to what I do in elementary music, but I'm sure there could be in the future. It's a great resource, but I felt a bit overwhelmed.

While looking at the members profiles I found Nancy Bosch and her blog, A Not So Different Place, which I put in my google reader. From her list of favorite websites I found CSI: Cemetery Scene Investigation. I know you're thinking, "How does she keep getting back to genealogy when her goal for this class is education?" I don't know!!! But this website is full of history, preservation techniques, and even technology!

Some day I may get more involved with social networking either educationally or personally, but now I just prefer to observe.

1 comment:

maryw said...

It's funny that you mention always going back to genealogy, which is an interest of yours. I've found that one of the best ways to learn a new technology is to apply it to something personal that I'm working on. After I do that, I can see other applications for it in my work. So don't feel bad about that - it's a great way to learn!
